The indicator Broadband Internet access is defined as households with broadband Internet access as a share of all households in the country. The indicator is important for well-being, since it enables larger and faster information flow. Growth of the indicator has a positive impact on well-being.
Figure: Broadband Internet access in households, Slovenia and the EU, 2004−2014 (in %)
Source of data: Eurostat.
In 2013, 74% of households in Slovenia had broadband Internet access. In 2014 the share was 1 percentage point higher (75%). Rapid development of broadband Internet (in 2004 the access rate was only 10%) is linked to new technologies (development of cable and optical connections and broadband mobile connections). In the 2010–2012 period broadband Internet access in Slovene households was at the EU level; in 2013 and 2014 it slightly lagged behind.
Results of supplementary indicators show:
The number of mobile subscribers already exceeds the country`s population (109 per 100 inhabitants); however, mobile telephony in Slovenia is much less developed than in the EU overall (132 mobile subscribers per 100 inhabitants). Mobile telephony development in Slovenia was particularly rapid in the 2000–2004 period, when the indicator exceeded EU average. Since 2005 the development has been slower.
The share of persons using the Internet for interacting with public authorities is slowly growing. In 2013, 52% of the population aged 16-74 was using the Internet for this purpose; in 2014 the share was 1 percentage point higher. Slovenia’s share has been higher than the EU average (2014: 47%) since 2009.