The indicator Satisfaction with distribution of time measures satisfaction of adults with distribution of time between work and other things in life. Shown here is the average assessment on the scale from 0 (very dissatisfied) to 10 (very satisfied). Data are available every few years and collected within the European Social Survey (ESS). The indicator is important for well-being because it shows the possibility of reconciliation of professional and other activities affecting the quality of life. Growth of the indicator has a positive impact on well-being.
Figure: Satisfaction with distribution of time (work, other), Slovenia and the EU, 2006, 2010 and 2012 (average assessment)
Source of data: ESS.
In 2012, the average assessment of satisfaction with the distribution of time between professional and other activities was in Slovenia 7.1 on the scale from 0 to 10. Compared to 2006 and 2010 it improved and was higher than the EU average (6.7).
Results of supplementary indicators show:
In 2012, the share of persons who had difficulty several times a month to fulfil their family responsibilities because of the amount of time spent on the job (35.3%) was lower than in 2007 and 2003, but still much higher than the EU average (29.5%).
The shares of persons aged 15+ reading the written press, listening to the radio and watching television at least once a week are gradually declining, but except for watching television they are on average slightly higher than in the EU overall.
People in Slovenia borrowed from public libraries on average 12.8 units of library material in 2013, which is about at the same high level as in the years after 2006, even though the of library membership declined.
The average number of cultural events attended by an inhabitant in Slovenia decreased significantly in 2013 due to the project Maribor – European capital of culture 2012. Compared to previous years, the number was higher than before 2011.